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Clubs and Organizations

We believe it is not only important to get a great education inside the classroom, but outside the classroom as well. Involved students tend to perform better academically and student organization participation looks great on a resume. Get involved!

Below are our currently registered student organizations. If you are interested in learning more or joining, please contact the president or advisor, or consider starting your own student organization.

We are happy to welcome new student organizations! Interested in starting a student organization? Here's what you'll need:

Contact the Director of Student Services for information or assistance.

Athletics Club

Intramural basketball game in progress

The Athletics Club is an organization for students who are interested in participating in fun intramural-style sports. With help from the entire campus community, the Athletics Club hopes to have one athletic tournament per month from flag football to basketball to kickball.

Sign Up

President: Hayden Henthorn

Advisor: Ashlee Tatman


Three people walking in front of a building

President: Gavin McCune

President: Angelina Hardiesty-Kelley and Michael Lafreniere

The purpose of the MOVE Club is to promote health, improve creativity and clarity of thought, and volunteer for campus and community events that promote the mission of this club.

If you are interested in learning more about this club, please submit the form below or email the president or an advisor. You could be an officer and an active participant in this student club.

MOVE Club Interest Form

Ohio University Chillicothe Education Student Organization

Kappa Delta Pi officers

The Ohio University Chillicothe Education Student Organization is the professional organization for teacher candidates at OHIO Chillicothe.  Affiliated with Kappa Delta Pi and Ohio Aspiring Educators, all education majors are encouraged to join.

Co-Presidents: Natalie Rolfe and Hope Crabtree

Advisor: Amy Wolfe

Q&A: Queers & Allies

Q&A: Queers & Allies is an affinity group with a mission to connect people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community to one another. While the overall goal of Q&A is to make people feel safe, included, and welcome, the activities and focus points are determined by the interests of current group members.

President: Kristen Cox

Advisor: Debra Nickles

Student Nurse Organization of Chillicothe

A group of nursing graduates outside a building

The Student Nurse Organization of Chillicothe (SNOC) is the student organization for nursing students at Ohio University Chillicothe. The mission is to find outreach within service, community, and donation alongside fellow nurses. Premier projects have included providing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to students in need, hosting food drives to support the Hilltopper Resource Center, and participating in health fairs, blood drives, and other projects to promote health, happiness, and safety.

President: Nick Nesser

Advisor: Lindsey Shotts

Student Social Work Association

The Student Social Work Association (SSWA) seeks to serve, educate, and promote activism in the field of social welfare. In addition, SSWA provides opportunities for students to interact within the community to broaden their knowledge of the issues related to social services. The main aim of the organization is to impact the lives of those living in our community and the surrounding communities in a positive manner. Their mission is to recognize needs within communities around us and to do their best to help meet those needs. 

President: Molly Chaffin

Advisor: Stacey Saunders-Adams

The Writer Collective

The Writer Collective meets regularly to encourage members to follow writing goals and create work that they are proud of. Meetings often include a writing prompt to focus the mind and then includes time for members to work on personal writing projects, brainstorm ideas with other members, and devote regularly scheduled quality time to creative thought and text. Discussions, readings, peer reviews, and editing are also often scheduled. 

President: Galen Kaltenbach

Advisor: Brandi Weaver



Ashlee Tatman
Director of Student Services
Bennett Hall